A downloadable game for Windows

3D Roguelike featuring REALTIME transformations and wardrobe destruction.

GUYS. IF YOU LIKE THIS GAME, HOP ON MY DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/B3ZtZE9

It's much, much more effective to receive updates and such. You can also come and make suggestions and bug reports, etc. 

If you REALLY like the game and want to support me? Here's my Patreon. Go ahead and throw me a buck or two if you can afford it. It's very much appreciated.

The game is HARD. Yes. It's by design. Rogues are suposed to be hard.
If it's too hard? That's what I want you to tell me.
The game is pretty barren, but it has the minimum required for a tech demo release, including a couple sex scenes.
Play around, come back and tell me what you think about it, go to my discord channel to hang out, over to my patreon to give me money, all of it thank you.


Build_3.7z 329 MB
Version 1 Dec 19, 2023

Development log


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How do i access the items

And the block doesn't even work

female start option?


what is "c" supposed to do other than locking up controls?

I got stuck in combat after beating a skeleton, how do I leave combat if it doesn't automatically exit?


is there any list for controls? 

i like the idea but the gameplay is too slow and way too punitive, the game fell a little empty. I would love to see more devellopment on this game.

how the frick do i get out the starting room despite having 0 keys, 0 items, and nothing in the room I'm locked in as soon as i start the game?

apperently  Z. Dont ask me how to block though

so arrow WASD attack Z block 
you click block when square is green

How about the items

i can't even move at all, literally tried everything

good game but teally laggy for me

(2 edits) (+1)

Pressing use on a wall doesn’t softlock anymore… but pressing ‘c’ at any time does.

EDIT: It also softlocks seemingly randomly and fairly regularly.

EDIT 2: Combat also has a chance to softlock when you defeat an enemy, leaving you stuck on the combat screen with a downed enemy.

I mean, I don’t know what else to say, it’s still pretty much non-functional. The longest run I’ve gotten without a softlock has been less than a minute.

Can you still play on mobile some how?

I will make a mobile version when all the bugs are kinked out and the game is proper playable.

Ok thanks for responding

I get a split screen issue too. I can't really see the game when I start. Also, itch isn't letting me post the image either.

No matter what i did the aspect ratio is completely screwed i can only sort of play it with a phone like aspect ratio but i just see a verticale sliver of the game.

Hey I reviewed your game it's outdated but anyways I hope you enjoy it and find it somewhat entertaning  

As of the current update, (12/5/23), cant start the game at all. It gets to the boot menu, and clicking/pressing buttons does nothing at the main menu. I know it's experimental, so im not making a big scene of it. But I figured I would just post this to notify you and other players of it.

In which platform, mate?

(1 edit)

On PC. mobile version works fine. But for some reason on PC, i can't get past the main menu no matter how much I click.

Edit:Figured out the issue finally. Had to do a full clean install. Upgrading from the previous version broke it.

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Another failed game by this dev who has one of the worst track records in history. Dont know why its so impossible for them to make a MC that isnt the worst, if its not NTR, then its them being fucked in the ass. Dont you think that all this has something to do with all your games failing? Maybe try once in your life to not be the loser.


really living up to your name there

Lmao bro spittin facts

(2 edits) (+1)

I'd love to give some feedback, but I haven't been able to play it for more than a few seconds without it softlocking. Under seemingly random circumstances, the game just stops responding to all input other than escape and camera controls.
EDIT: Well, I found one of the softlock causes. Pressing interact on a normal wall freezes you forever.
EDIT2: I think I found another. Pressing 'x' in combat.

game keeps freezing during 1st fight

When I tried unzipping the file windows security went berserk. It claims to have identified Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml in the downloaded files...

Honestly for a game like this, I wouldn't be surprised. At the same time it's likely a false positive as these games use those kinds of files all the time.


Yea, Hard is one thing. But this game is an unplayable mess, it has potential but currently it suffers from multiple issues.

First, RNGesus, you have to pray you start with a good start or you die in two goblin fights and need to restart. Even having multiple chests near by won't make it a good start as they could all be empty. Not to mention you could encounter multiple enemies BEFORE you even get to the chests and just die.

Second, Related to the first one, but chests are more likely to be empty so, good luck.

Third, If you DO get lucky and get a good start, the game could just lock onto a single button and continue to do that until you die, dodge doesn't work, or if you are super unlucky, the game dips down to like 30fps then no buttons work at all and you have to restart

Fourth, Enemies (goblins, on the first floor at least) could fluctuate in power wildly, fight one and it deals 10-20 per hit, fight another and it deals 60-70+ damage a hit. Add into it that there is no way to see the enemies before you encounter them and there is no way to run from combat, if you encounter an enemy you aren't ready for then it's just restart.

Thats the thing, yeah? 

There is a difference between "hard" that is balanced and "hard" that is just brutal nonsense and right now the game is just brutal nonsense. 

part of that is due to bugs, that can be written off with how early in the dev cycle it is. The other part is the lack of balance. 

this game hinges on the dev's sense for balance, right now its a bit unfair to judge but with how they decided to tackle healing I do not have much faith. 

rouges are indeed supposed to be hard, but I cant think of a single one that just outright punishes you for healing when the heal heals so little. 

That's some important feedback. So you think the waiting heals so little? Cookies heal a lot more, you know?

I'll take note of this. The problem with this is that if you get a run that rewards many cookies, then you'd be able to go through the game swiftly. That's what I'm trying to prevent.

But I also don't want to make it so hard it frustrates you. I'll play a bit with the healing and see what I can do.

it would depend on how many sources of healing there are, how much they heal, vs how much damage you can take vs what can be avoided. 

If you are worried about people getting too many cookies early on you can make a loot table to where they are less likely to appear on lower levels, making them much more valuable to be saved.  or to tackle people having too much, might i suggest you implement a "fullness" system that prevents players from spamming the cookies.

as far as waiting goes vs healing, i believe you said it was 10% and then it drops a stat if its higher then 5? dropping a stat is a huuuuuuge punishment for healing. 

ive seen others that allow you to heal when waiting, its a very tiny amount per wait, but the flip side it leaves you "vulnerable" to enemy encounters per wait. so you'd heal 1-2% of your hp but run the risk of encountering an enemy.  to prevent the risk of people spamming that you can have the encounter rate start off small, but then increase for each rest or something. 

in the end, you do you, as the dev you wont make everyone happy so you should aim for just something that would make you happy. 

the game window is super small on my surface screen. is that intended? there's no way to change it. i assume when setting the fixed screen size you might want to check for the current os resolution and set the window to 80% of that or something. can't really play like this sadly, but would love to give it a try.

Hey man. Absolutely love your BMO games. It's an honor to have you around.

Look, the game is set at 720p because that's how I can develop the game without it lagging like crazy. I do have a potato, unfortunately.

You can try to press alt-enter to make it fullscreen, but it's still going to be 16:9. 

I'll see about adding more resolutions. I'll figure out how to bring up that little window, when you start the game, to choose resolution and quality.

Do you have this as a zip file with an exe version


what are these downloads man

Uploaded direct to Itch, now. Enjoy.

Clicking the download button set off my malware detector, said stuff about malicious sites and PUPs. Might want to look into it.

(1 edit)

AnonFiles is pretty damn safe, actually. But gimme a sec, I'll post some mirrors, now.


Deleted 333 days ago

There is, at the start of the game. 

There's also links to my Patreon right up here, and on F95. 

I honestly don't know where I could spam it more without appearing desperate lmao

This won't run, and it won't even delete the original file when i try. :0

You getting some kind of error or something?

Is it possible to use another download mchanism? This one keeps throwing maleware blocks. (FWIW I have no problem with any other download on ichio)

Aye. No problem. My upload speed is abysmal so it took a while to make mirrors. Go ahead now.